Wednesday, 28 September 2011

A bit of an update!!

Well I realised this week that I haven't done a blog post in nearly 3 months, shocking!! So I thought I would do abit of an update. I guess I struggle to think of things to write about that I dont think are boring!
Of course I'm still waiting for my new lungs and I'm still being pretty patient with it. I have had 2 further false alarms since my last update. Both within the space of 4 days which was a fun week!! There was one on the Monday at 3am, after arriving at the hospital, having bloods done etc and alot of waiting I was told the lungs were too infected for transplant. So after getting home I was absolutely exhausted.  It wasn't as bad as my first false alarm but still very draining.
A few days passed so i finally managed to catch up on sleep and then I got another call on the Thursday at 9am. I was just waking up so I did miss the first couple of phone calls, so it was abit of a panic for Kierran who was at work and took the call for me! After rushing around like an idiot and getting family panicking also the ambulance service called and said they weren't collecting me till 11 ish. So there was no rush really. Once I was there I waited about 2 hours to find out it was another no, this time one of the lungs was suitable but the other wasn't. Which of course is no use to me!!  After that I was told I would more then likely get another call pretty quickly due to there only being a few people of my size and blood group on there list at the time. This of course didn't happen!
After being told that it took a long time to get my head straight. I wasn't sleeping well at all, and was paranoid my phone wpuld ring during the night. Its only been the past month or so I have got my sleeping pattern back to normal (which isn't brilliant but less paranoia for sure). I would have preferred for them not to have told me!
I am thankful to all my family and friends who pulled together through the stress of it all and made it that bit easier!
So since then I have tried to carry on best as possible. Changing I.v antibiotics every 2-4 weeks and regular pain killers to keep me going (among other things). I mainly have to keep on top of things for Bella, I want her to have as much of a normal life as possible (whatever normal is nowadays). I know me having a transplant will turn her life/routine upside down and confuse her while I'm not about for a month or so. Very difficult to keep a 2 year old entertained, especially when she seems to get bored after 5 minutes!! We took her to Blackpool last week which she seemed to enjoy (meeting relatives also), we went to Sutton on Sea for a mini trip away a few months ago, so among trips to farms (or anywhere they have animals!), adventure play grounds, picnics, starting ballet lessons etc and returning to playgroup after the summer hols she has been rather busy and somehow I just about kept up with her. Well slowly trailing behind somewhere!!

I'm hoping I don't have much longer to wait so I can get it out the way and get on with my life!

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